Fab Fours

Fab Fours

When it’s truck armor you want, it has to be Fab Fours. Off Road Warehouse is proud to carry Fab Fours in all its stores and give you a closer look at a brand well known for making stout, strong products that can take a beating.

Though it made a name for itself early on designing unique combination grille-bumpers, Fab Fours has since evolved to produce armor that stands out among the top players in the industry. The company goes above and beyond to create armor products. This is seen in its use of 3-D design software, as well as state of the art metal cutting and forming.

Fab Fours

Product lines like the Vengeance and Matrix series offer versatile and useful solutions to off-road enthusiasts. These bumpers incorporate desirable features like brush guards, integrated tow hooks, and cutouts for lights and winches.

Fab Fours creates more than just bumpers, however. The company now offers trail doors, roof racks, side steps, and more to round out a vehicle’s exterior top to bottom with the unique Fab Fours touch.

Fab Fours

Fab Fours has expanded into more than just bumpers. The company now offers exciting upgrades including trail doors, fender systems, storage racks, and more.

Visit Off Road Warehouse today and see the Fab Fours difference for yourself.


Toll Free: (800)-341-7757

Website Phone Sale (Pacific Time):

  • Monday - Friday: 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Saturday: 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

Website Customer Service (Pacific Time):

  • Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed