Shop Holiday Gift Guide


7.5" Ford Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip; Composite Clutches (YDGF7.5-28)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
8.25" Chrysler 2.56 and Up Ratio Dura Grip Limited Slip, 27spl, Composite Clutches (YDGC8.25-27-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
8.25" Chrysler 2.56 and Up Ratio Dura Grip Limited Slip, 29spl, Composite Clutches (YDGC8.25-29-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
M35 3.54 and Up Dura Grip Limited Slip, 27spl; Composite Clutches (YDGM35-4-27-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Toyota T100/Tacoma/Tundra Dura Grip Limited Slip, 30spl; Composite Clutches (YDGT100-30-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Clutch Gear (97515-28)
Replacement clutch gear for X2O Gen 2 15K S/B97515 Features Replacement clutch gear for X2O Gen 2 15K S/B97515
Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip for GM 8.5" and 8.6" Diff 2.73 and Up Ratio 30 Spline (YDGGM8.5-3-30-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip for GM 8.5" Diff, 2.73 and Up Ratio, 28 Spline (YDGGM8.5-3-28-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Dana 44 3.73 and Down Dura Grip Limited, Slip 30spl, IFS w/ YSPSPR-001 Spring Kit (YDGD44-3-30-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Dana 44 3.92 and Up Dura Grip Limited Slip, 30spl, IFS w/ YSPSPR-001 Spring Kit (YDGD44-4-30-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Dana 60 4.56 and Up Dura Grip Positraction, Narrow, 32spl; ABS Compatible (YDGD60-4-32)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip for GM 12T Diff, 3.73 and Up Ratio, 30 Spline (YDGGM12T-4-30-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip for GM 8.2" Diff, 3.08 and Up Ratio, 28 Spline (YDGGM8.2-3-28-1)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip Positraction for Dana 80, 4.10-Up, 35 Spline (YDGD80-4-35)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...
Yukon Dura Grip Limited Slip Positraction GM 9.5"/9.76" Diff, 3.42-Up, 33 Spline (YDGGM9.5-4-33-12B)
Yukon Dura Grip is a positraction limited slip differential that provides smooth yet aggressive traction, giving you the confidence and performance you need across a wide variety of terrains. The Dura Grip is engineered for long life and is completely rebuildable. Dura Grips are constructed with a ...

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