In order to make the most of the Jeep Wrangler JK Unlimited's cargo area and maximize storage and flexibility of use, a new roller drawer module has been developed. The RDRF790 incorporates a single Roller Drawer and an integrated roller floor top. The design allows for plenty of accessible and secure storage in the drawer. While the roller drawer function is self-explanatory, the roller floor provides easy access to a ARB Fridge Freezer or other gear. The 37 quart ARB Fridge Freezer (10800352) can be mounted in the traditional front to back orientation. Although a tight fit, a 50 quart ARB Fridge Freezer (10800472) can be oriented left to right across the drawer and rolled rearwards for easier access.
Cargo Drawer Side Floor Kit with Plastic TrimSuits vehicles with subwooferVehicle-specific