I got 40K on Toyo MT's with a lifted 3/4T Diesel and decided I'd try these new cross breeds as I can't stand the look of AT's.. AT's look like city-car tires to me.. These are so much quieter than the MT's I can't even put it to words... They ride nice. Most noticable difference besides the noise reduction was with MT's the tread compound is I guess so much softer that when new you feel like you're driving a floating waterbed down the highway for the first 500 miles until the rubber hardens up from use. It's actually kinda scary. These RT's don't have that same behavior at all. Great out of the Gate. They don't look as Aggressive as the MT's, be nice if Toyo pumped up the side-biters a bit.. But the quiet and very likely the extended miles I'll get with these R/T's are worth the difference to me.